As a Sacred Empowerment Coach, I will support you with tools, exercises, and insights developed through my Doctoral research and Irish Spirituality Practice, on your journey of self-discovery and growth.  I will stand by your side, hold you accountable, offer intuitive guidance, help you shift subconscious patterns or behaviours, and encourage advancements, so you can transform your relationships, stand confidently in your power, and fully embrace your life’s purpose.

Connect with your sacred wildness, STAND IN YOUR power, and fully embrace your life purpose.


This practice is a first step on a path of self-discovery, radical transformation, love, and creative empowerment.


This aspect seeks to intuitively journey deep within and uncover latent desires, passions, and inspirations.


This aspect cultivates a sacred and empowered practice that embraces wild expression and supports radical steps to purposefully connect with the world.

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